Aren't you a Strange Bird

Aren't you a Strange Bird

Written and illustrated by Rocio Bonilla

Age +6
29 × 21,5 cm | 40 pages (including endpapers)
Sold to: Slovenian, Turkish, Portuguese, German, French, Chinese and Italian.

Carrasco is a curious boy, as most are. One day, his neighbour says «Aren’t you a strange bird!». «What does she mean by that?» Is he a bird? Or does he just look like one? Does it mean that he can fly?

  • «A story about the extraordinary logic of children. An endearing character who is thirsty for life», Rocio Bonilla.
  • Updated edition of the first picture book in Rocio Bonilla’s career. A book that shows the main lines that have created her magic universe.
  • A picture book to express the richness of language.
Carrasco, the main character of "Aren't you a Strange Bird"


Carrasco, the main character of "Aren't you a Strange Bird"



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