What Colour is a Kiss?

What Colour is a Kiss?

Writted and illustrated by Rocio Bonilla

Age +5
Details 21x29 cm | 40 pages (including endpages)
Sold in: French (France, Belgium, Luxembourg, and Switzerland), German (Germany, Austria, and Switzerland), Italian, Portuguese (Portugal and Brazil), English (EE.UU and India), Chinese (Complex), Turkish, Korean, Slovenian, Slovak, Swedish, Russian, Lithuanian, Arabic (Lebanon), Estonian, Hebrew, Icelandic, and Spanish (Spain and the USA).

Minimoni, the charming character of this best-seller, wants to find out the colour of a kiss. Red like a delicious tomato sauce? Is it green like the nice crocodiles? Mom sure that knows the answer!

A successful title with more than 500,000 readers all around the world!

An illustrated book that plays with colours and feelings in an original way.

Sold in two versions: one for toddlers and another for early readers.

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